Los Angeles Air Conditioning experts, American AC Heat Plumbing promises to deliver only the best quality certified technicians out there. License # 433868

Before a technician becomes an associate with American AC Heat Plumbing they have to under go the following:

  1. They must pass a complete drug testing, physical and personality exam.
  2. A DMV and Criminal background report.
  3. They must undergo a complete apprenticeship program that includes factory training.
  4. All of our associates must be clean cut, wear company uniforms, no smoking or profanity is ever allowed.
  5. They will be polite, courteous and respectful of your home and its furnishings.
  6. They will wear floor protectors over their shoes while in your home and always wear company identification badges for your protection.
  7. Our Los Angeles air conditioning company must interview and test more than 100 people just to hire one!

Meet our service team! We provide online profiles with pictures of each and everyone of our employees to ensure our customers have the best understanding of just who is working for them. We understand that it is a big responsibility to be let into someones home. We promise to provide the greatest possible service, thank you for the opportunity.

American AC Heat Plumbing offers financing and we guarantee our work, making the decision to choose us both comfortable and secure. Give us a call today +1(800) 321-9494. We go the extra mile to earn your business and never stop working to keep it.


James Smith

As you can tell from our humble beginnings in 1981, we began as a family-owned business and stayed a locally owned air conditioning and heating company in Los Angeles county for nearly 40 years.